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With what trading plattforms does Metagrid work?Metagrid Pipmanager is only available for Metatrader 4. Most brokers offer MT4.
Does it work with Windows and Mac iOS?The setup.exe you get for the installation is only working with Windows 7 and higher. But you can contact us to get a .zip file for manual installation. If you experienced you can install it on MAC too. But we don´t offer any support for MAC iOS.
On how many MT4 accounts can I use Metagrid?You can use it on two different accounts. If you need more accounts you can buy two more licenses - please contact us for the price.
Do I have to pay for updates?No. You get a lifetime license for Metagrid. All future updates are included.
Where do I get updates?You find updates on our homepage and we will email you if an update is available
Can I request a feature for Metagrid?Sure. If a request comes several times the possibility is high that we add this feature
How can I pay?At the moment we offer paypal and skrill. You find the paypal link on our homepage. If you want to pay with skrill please write to
How long does it take to get the software?During our office times you get the installation file normally between 15 minutes and 2 hours. On weekends and after our office times it can take longer. If you did not receive the software after 12 hours please contact us.
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